Liberta The Festival


"A celebration of multidimensional healing"


The Vision


Liberta means liberation and this exactly what we intend to achieve at the festival. Liberation of the body, mind and soul on a multidimensional level. Everybody is welcome at Liberta as we are all one. Creating a safe container for everybody who attends to share, play and heal together. The vision at Liberta is that as we heal ourselves, we also heal eachother and with that also the earth. A new paradigm is coming were unity consciousness is the new way of experiencing our reality. With Liberta we intend to create this feeling of oneness for the time we are being together. Offering artists, preformers and healers a chance to change the lives of others with their gifts. At Liberta the vision is to have a conscious festival expierence while also being aware of how we treat our bodies and mother earth. 


As Liberta will be on the full moon it is the perfect time to work with the energy of heaven and earth to liberate ourselves from all that is not serving us anymore.


The Program


Having music that sparks the innerfire played by artists that are carefully picked for the love for their art. The main focus of the music will be psychedelic electornic music which take you on a journey within yourself. There will be conscious healing workshop so that you can learn something new to apply in your healing journey. An opening cacao ceremony and new moon closing ceremony to set a powerful energetic setpoint at the start and end of the celebration. With this powerful new moon in Cancer there will be a start for new beginnings on an emotional, spiritual and finanical level. Setting our group intentions together during this powerful ceremony will amplify all of our intenntions. Also creating an energetic vortex for the healing of all who attend, A celebration for the mutlidimenisonal healing of not just humans, but also mother Earth. There will be an artist market where beautiful souls are selling their selfmade art and healing products. Giving an audience to smaller artists and shops. 


Line Up


Music Line Up


Artist Annoucement TBA


Opening Ceremony Cacao: 12:15-12:45

DJ Set 1: 12:45-14:30

DJ Set 2: 14:30-16:00

DJ Set 3: 16:00-18:00

DJ Set 4: 18:00-19:30

New Moon Ceremony: 19:30-20:15

Closing DJ Set: 20;15-22:00


Workshop Line Up


Full Line Up TBA


Quantum Jump & Karma Burning: 13:30-14:15

Breathwork Ceremony: 15:00-15:45

Activating Yoga: 16:00-16:45



Artist Market Line Up


Full Line Up TBA



Your ticket for the celebration of multidimensional healing on the 6th of of July from 12:00-22:00 in Amsterdam!


- Cacao Ceremony

- Access to all workshops

- New Moon Ceremony