Multidimensional Transformation Programs



From Dependence To Independence 


Do you want to get started on your journey to independence and reprogramming your life?


This is possible with the From The Dependence To Independence transformation program!

In this unique process, we will make the journey together to make you independent, making you gain the power back over your own life.

This way you can learn to be completely dependent on yourself and cultivate a sense of worth and inner freedom for yourself. 

Tackling your dependency with a unique process in which we look at the cause of your symptom. Dependence is always a symptom of not wanting to feel an intense trauma and the associated limiting beliefs. During these 3 months we will not only tackle your dependency, but also put you back in charge of your own life. Restoring the body's self-healing capacity, creating a healthy daily routine, rearranging your life, healing your self-esteem & cultivating a healthy self-image is what comes first in your transformation process. You will receive guidance for 3 months and an online energetic therapy session once a month. Here we will work in depth on the energetic blockages that contribute to your addictions. By resolving this and allowing the energy to flow freely again, the resistance to stopping effortlessly disappears.




Core of the program


Reality Blueprint

We are first going to create a picture of how your current reality looks and what problems you are facing at the moment. To get a general image of where you are now and where you want to be going to, We want to get an idea about what you are dependent on right now. If it is substances, behavioral patterns or both. Then we are going to look what changes can already be made, how there are already steps you can take to be more dependent on yourself instead of your outside circumstances. With this we also want to create a picture of your desired reality. Working with the end in mind.


Identity Creation

Creating a Identity that holds the foundation of holding the desired reality. Building from the identity down to the other levels of reality creation. What kind of values, believes, skills, behaviors and environments does this identity hold. To truly get a solid foundation for your desired reality.


Creating Energetic Momentum

Taking daily steps to create energetic momentum in the quantum field with customized meditations, daily routines and light language activations. To get your energy going on a holistic level.


  1. Healing Work on the Inner Child

The inner child is the foundation of the balance of life. Your inner child is the purest form of who you once were, but also the old emotional trauma gets rooted into him or her.  We respond from and live with our inner child believe and energy. That’s why we are going to focus on how to heal your relationship for the inner child. Creating a safe and sovereign environment for the inner child  to play and heal again.


Multidimensional Alchemy

To really create a solid foundation we are going to work on your energetic body. Our bodies are made up out of energy and this energy sets out a signal (frequency) to the Universe. The Universe responds to this energy by bringing you circumstances, places and people into your life. We hold a lot of old energetic imprints from this and other lifetimes that limits our ability to create the reality we desire. This energy also triggers emotions, thoughts and reactions from the body which can dictate your life in a negative way. That is why when you change your energy, you change your life.


Integration Of Independence

Throughout the course and in the end of it there are going to be a lot of integration assignments to really integrate the full spectrum of your journey. It is very important to reflect on what you have learned and also to test if you are truly independent of your outer circumstances and have become fully dependent on yourself.


The services accompanied with the program


Intake interview of 45 minutes

1 transformational call of 1 hour per week

Support during your  transformatonal process

Energetic Therapy Sessions (worth 297 euros)

Explanation videos for the core topics of the program

Theoretical and practical integration assignments 

 Guided meditations & Energy Activations

Monthly light language activations with the new moon (120 euros)

10% discount on events & treatments

25% discount on a 1 on 1 dayretreat (worth 192 euros)


Book a call to discover your path to mutlidimensional transformation: 



From Dependence To Independence

€ 3.333,00 € 1.666,50

From Dependence To Independence

€ 3.333,00 € 1.666,50

In 3 months time I will help you to become the unlimited version of yourself so you can create the reality you truly desire.

This program includes:

  • Intake interview of 45 minutes
  • 1 transformational call of 1 hour per week
  • Support during your process
  • Energetic Therapy Sessions (worth 297 euros)
  • Explanation videos for the core topics of the process
  • Theoretical and practical integration assignments 
  • Guided meditations & energy activations
  • Monthly light language activations with the new moon
  • 10% discount on events & treatments
  • 25% discount on 1 on 1 day retreat (worth 192 euros)