Putting Pain Into Power


Looking to rise from the ashes of the hurt of the past like a glorious phoenix? Then the  emutldimensional transformation program

Putting Pain Into Power is for you!


In this multidimensional transformation program we will together go into the depths of your pain and alchemize this into power. Making your karma (pain) into your dharma (purpose). Becoming the victor over your stories and circumstances instead of the victim.

Even though the pain have may felt so overpowering in your life. In the way that you live and feel like it has always been there so it will always stay there. This is not the truth, we are greater than our pain and we can alchemize anything in our lives. Transcending something that may have felt bigger than us. You may not realize it now, but even something that can be so painful now, can be an asset later in life. Pain is such a powerful teacher, that is why avoiding it can feel like you are

Combining energetic therapy, energy psychology, identity creation, meditation and practical & theoretical assignments to make your pain your greatest asset. Multidimensionally alchemizing your pain into your purpose to not only help yourself, but also others in the process. Your pain can go from being your biggest burden to your biggest inspiration.


Core Of The Program


Energetic Therapy

Through healing your energetic field we can start to heal yourself on a deep multidimensional level. Within our energetic field there are wounds which bleed through our emotional, mental and physical bodies. When healing these wounds through energetic therapy we treat the root cause of your pain. Alchemizing it into power and making it into your strength.


Energy Psychology


Using physical interventions to regulate electrical signals or energy fields can be combined with exposure therapy to retrain the brain and helping you to  overcome any physical and emotional reactions affecting your health and well-being. Looking at where your pain is originating from on an energetic level helps to get a clear view on how to best treat them.



Using guided meditations with energy activations to alchemize your stuck energies and energetic imprints. Navigating your consciousness to explore what are still obstacles for you and how to overcome them with the power that created worlds. Healing on a multidimensional level not just from the hurt from this life, but also past lives. We all can harness this power if we just learn how.


Identity Creation

Creating a Identity that holds the foundation of holding the new you. Transforming life on all the levels of reality. This identity hold new values, believes, skills, behaviors and environments that with that shape your life.


Practical & theoretical assignments

These assignments are there to help you to multidimensionally alchemize your pain on a deeper level and apply it in your daily life. Being able to practically apply what you have learned and to integrate the teachings into your daily life is essential. When we heal, but forget to integrate we can slip back into old patterns very fast. This is why these assignments help you to integrate the teachings into your daily life and live more consciously.



What do you get with the program?


Intake call  45 minutes

Transformational calls of 1,5 hours

Monthly Energetic Therapy Session

Alchemizing Meditations & Energy Activation

Light language activations with the new moon

Practical alchemizing & integration assignments

Video Course Putting Pain Into Power


What do you get with this mutlidimensional program?:

  • Intake call  45 minutes
  • Transformational calls of 1,5 hours
  • Monthly Energetic Therapy Session
  • Alchemizing Meditations & Energy Activation
  • Light language activations with the new moon
  • Practical alchemizing & integration assignments
  • Video Course Putting Pain Into Power

The price is monthly so you can decide when you are feeling fulfilled with the program